Saturday, April 25, 2009

Learning to Rest

Have you ever walked outside on a beautiful day and just stopped to take it all in? Have you ever then thought about the fact that 9 times out of 10 you totally miss those moments of beauty?

I'm currently sitting outside on my back patio soaking up the beauty that Papa has made. The sun is shining but it's not too hot. There is a nice breeze rustling through the trees and it is making my favorite wind chimes sing to me. Simon* is running around the back yard enjoying the freedom to roam the whole back yard playing with sticks and grass and a plastic bottle. I am sitting in the shade and resting in the peace.

*Simon is our boxer puppy who is usually confined to the dog run when not inside with us.

It is here in the quiet still moments that Papa and I sit and talk.

"Good morning, kiddo. Thanks for coming out here to sit with me. Look at what I've made for you today. Do you see it? Do you see how much I love you?"

"Thank you Papa. It's beautiful. I'm sorry I don't thank you for it more often."

"Shh, my child. Just enjoy it now. That is enough. Just rest here with me. That is what I desire."

"But Papa, I..."

"Shhh...just rest."

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