Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Running Early

Why is it that whenever I find myself running early while getting ready to go somewhere, I almost inevitably end up late anyway? Today I went to the gym for a quick workout knowing I needed to hurry to make it to my doctor appointment on time. I got home about the time I had expected and jumped (well, stepped gingerly actually...I wouldn't want to fall) in the shower.

While in the shower I looked at the clock to see if I had enough time to shave my legs. To my surprise, I had almost 20 whole minutes until I needed to be getting into my car. So I went ahead and shaved. I got out of the shower and was still a few minutes ahead of time. I finished getting ready, put Simon out in the dog run, and got in the car.

I was somehow running 10 minutes behind. WHAT? How did that happen? And then a fire engine came along just as I was going to make the short light getting onto the main road I needed to be on. Another 3 minutes waiting for the next light. Seriously, what's the deal?

Oh well, I ended up walking into the doctor's office only 3 minutes late because parking was easier than I had expected.

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