Friday, April 24, 2009

Where to start?

Well, I guess the beginning would be good, but I don't feel like writing out my whole life story tonight. You'll just have to wait for that. For now, you get the basics and few random facts about me.

- I am 26 years old and my husband rarely lets me forget that he is 14 months younger and therefore closer to 20 than I.

- I have been very happily married for just over two years. Being married is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

- We just bought a 5 bedroom house so that we will have plenty of room for all of the kids that we don't yet have.

- I plan to cloth diaper, breastfeed, and babywear all of said, as of yet unborn children.

- I reserve the right to change any and all opinions on parenting once I'm actually a sleep deprived, hormonal, emotional basket case of a mother.

- I have the most amazing church family I could ever ask for.

- In real life, I tend to be a bit anti-social and am self conscious in big groups.

- I love to write and used to write poetry and short stories all the time. I don't know exactly how I fell out of the practice, but I miss it. Maybe this blogging thing will rekindle my love of writing.

- And speaking of exactly, I get made fun of for pronouncing the t in exacTly all the time. And apparently I say costume wrong too, more of a ch instead of a t.

So now you know a few pertinent details and a few extraneous ones. (Yes, I am also the kind of person who uses words like pertinent and extraneous in real life. I enjoy the nuances of our language immensely.)

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